Only With

Alnur Truly Halal Services

About Us

Who we are

ANT8S was established to help all humanity especially Muslims has the assurance that the food they consume are clean, pure, and permissible (Tayyab & Halal).

ANT8S has support of over 200 Islamic Organizations, Masjids (Mosque), and Sheiks, Government and Non-government entities from around the world, due to the strict guidelines set in place to ensure the transparency of clean, pure, and permissible (Tayyab & Halal) products.

ANT8S rigorous monitoring of feedlots, continuous inspection of slaughter lines, supervising of packaging, labelling and storage stations and by implementing the state-of-the-art tracking and monitoring technology ensures that the food you consume is truly clean, pure, and permissible (Tayyab & Halal).

ANT8S Organization Structure

ANT8S organization consist of ANT8S core organization and is supported by The Regulatory Framework Directive, Community Support Groups (CSG), and ANT8S Association.

ANT8S employs a number of staffs to undertake the below duties. The Regulatory Framework Directive is accountable for:

  • Definitions, Guidelines, and Standards set by Islamic Scholars, Food Hygienist, Food Scientist, Microbiologist, and Chemist.
  • Auditing and Certification carried out by Food Safety Inspectors, Flying Squad Auditors, and the Islamic Scholars.
  • Accreditation is honored to the products which are deemed by ANT8S as clean, pure and permissible (Tayyab & Halal) for human particularly Muslim consumption.

Community Support Groups (CSG) consist of supporter and volunteers in each city and state where ANT8S operates. CSG plays a significant role in promoting ANT8S at a local event within its community. ANT8S on an ongoing basis donates to the community masjids (mosques) and Islamic Organizations.

ANT8S Associations is responsible for getting ANT8S endorsed from various Islamic Organizations, Masjids (Mosques), Sheikhs, Government and Non-Government Organizations.

Key Facts

ANT8S is an independent non-for-profit entity and registered as a 501 c3 (Charitable organization) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the USA.

  • Our sole intention is to standardize the requirements for halal foods, cosmetics, clothing, and packaging and set the precedents for all international certifiers to accept our standards as a one single unified standard.
  • Domestic and International Islamic Scholarly support.
  • Endorsement from 200 or more Islamic Organizations, Masjids (Mosques) and Sheikhs.
  • State-of-the-art traceability application.
  • On-going Training for ANT8S employees, partners and the general public in Food Safety, Hygiene and Halal standards.