Truly Halal Services
has implemented a collective set of halal criteria accepted by all. ANT٨S will supervises and ensure production of Halal products are in compliance with ANT٨S Halal Operating Principles. ANT٨S state-of-the-art traceability system which is implemented from the feedlots onwards to ensure maximum transparency.
The following are some of the key criteria adopted by ANT٨S:
- The slaughter should be done by a practicing sane Muslim Male or Female.
- The animal should not be kicked or abused
- The animal should be given water to drink before being slaughtered
- The animal should not be stunned or any paralytic means will not be utilized.
- The Muslim will use a very sharp and clean sterilized knife, the knife should be cut by its sharp edge and not by its weight.
- The following Arabic prayer should be recited by the slaughtering person aloud and clear “Bismillahi Allahu Akbar” – In the name of God, who is the greatest.
- The slaughtering is carried out by cutting the animal’s trachea, esophagus and
jugular veins without cutting the whole neck. - The animal should get enough time to bleed out completely until the animal dies before being processed further.
- In processing plants, where Halal and non- Halal production is performed, the production of Halal products shall be performed in a separate unit or an approved segregated area in the production facility. In cases where the plant does not do Halal all the time, the Halal production shall precede the non- Halal production with thorough prior cleansing of the equipment and the production area to avoid any cross-contamination with non- Halal remnants.
- Halal products must be segregated from non- Halal materials utilizing a physical barrier.
- The management of the facility must be fully committed and provide the resources needed to implement all relevant requirements about authentic Halal production, food safety, and hygiene, as well as quality and legality.